Cultures of Caelfinia

In the world of Caelfinia, people tend to see over things and matters such as race and define themselves more by their kin and country (similar to real world America in that regard). While some cultures have different dominant races (I.E. the Paliagiet being predominantly Elven or the large Orcish and Half-Orcish populations among the Vangobards or the Saconians) the two are generally not related and any one of any race, faith, or creed can be of any culture. While your culture has little bearing on things in a practical sense, it's very important to the flavour of your character. Is your character an animal pelt clad barbarian? Perhaps an urbanite with a taste for the exquisite? Maybe even a galiant knight fighting for god and country. All of these are effected by your culture. For example, a Caltanian or Proiseilane mage may wear a simple patterned cloth tunic while a Paliagiet or Remedellan mage may wear fine brocade robes. A Vangobard or a Saconian knight may have polished plate armor, while a Mayar or Sclavian knight may have to make due with whatever rag-tag armor they can get their hands on. While these are of course rather fast and loose rules, generally speaking, a Vigminthaeri that wants to be a urban princess or a Paliagiet that wants to go feral might want to consider a culture that aligns with their personality more.

Now then, with that aside, feel free to explore the cultures of Caelfinia more thuroughly below!

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